mardi 24 novembre 2020

 Take a nap 

No, seriously. 

If you live in Europe, Shadowlands launches at 12am on November 24—that's 11pm on November 23 for anyone in the UK—so you'll want to ensure you can stay awake long enough to see at least one of the new zones. Levelling into the wee hours of the morning might see you flagging, so if you've arranged time off to play, consider a pre-launch snooze.

The timing of the Shadowlands launch might be less obnoxious if you live in the US, but that doesn't mean you won't also be levelling into the small hours of the morning. A quick nap earlier in the day could prevent you from cutting short your play time.


us forums choose a side #forhorde #slytherinshirt

eu forums choose a side #foralliance #gryffindorshirt
polemploi profecole rue dacier delaage facebook artheon fnac frontenac #uwplatteville 
lycée dumont durville #sophiemarceau LEPOINT LEXPRESS LETUDIANT __88
important #warcraft importanter #keepcalm #kelloggs 
se faire travailler parental (detroit become #laval #caserne #fortbenning
(je nai jamais bien compris la transmog_anglophone =shirt francophone =chemise canadians nicolasverlet@puyo #nicolasmonfort #philomena #elainecassidy 
facebook stephanemontfort #stevelegal
jai commencé #warcraft (nachtelf blutelf @innogames #anno1897 #march2014 en decemb2014 (carnet clairefontaine LETUDIANT agendsatexasinstr donc a draenor
vers 2016?? souvenant.wordpress je devais le soir aller sur mon laptop #compaq sur USforums/EUforums blizzard et je devais me cliquer sur le character/armory sur des rogue par exemple des rogue undead et je verifiais leur transmog(cest de là que jai du prendre transmog gants+harnais traqueur de demons(DE PL FR12 #herozero shakes fidget

NEUROMANCER #bookstagram #boucherville facebook stephanemontfort #stevelegal scifictionAIR stanbarets cerveauplanAIR #paulclaudel #lesopticiensmutualistes
(cest vrai que parfois on pourrait avoir envie de vomir simmons 1948 parental #laval bouldercity @boulapoire nicolasverlet@puyo #nicolasmonfort #paternalgrandfather souvenant.wordpress polemploi profecole rue dacier delaage #outremont 91446 90210 beverly coté solaris206 
anglophone francophone canadians 

Two things on my wishlist:

For Druids, I wish they would de-couple the Artifact weapons from the Artifact Druid Forms.
I LOVE the Legion forms they created, and I spent a lot of time earning many of them, but I hate how the weapons look. They ought to create animal spirits in Moonglade/The Emerald Dreamway, where we can change our forms independently of transmogging the weapons. A bear spirit lets you choose between all your bear forms, a cat spirit lets you choose between all your feral forms, and so on.
And like OP said, I also want to use the earned forms in different specs, so I can choose to use my Mage Tower bear form on my Balance druid when I transform.

My second wish is the creation of a hidden weapon feature, at least for fist weapons as that already existed once, purchasable in the monk temple in Kun Lai.
I really want to play a Worgen as a feral beast, using his claws as the weapons just like Genn does.

(je mets un POSTIT genn=greymane #avakinlife 
parental #laval anglophone francophone canadians
My main wish
#stephaneking #stephenhero facebook stephanemontfort #stevelegal #félicitéangers #laureconan #laurencohan 
LET HUNTERS USE MACES (My survival hunter really want those two-handed maces)
anglophone francophone canadians 
polemploi profecole #fnac #frontenac artheon facebook lycéedumontdurville toulon 83 rue dacier delaage #outremont #uwplatteville (un jour je serai niveau100)
#francoisbusnel #france3 #netflix #radiocanada (il y a a peu pres un mois à l'emission de francoisbusnel le mercredi soir FR3 BBC #radiocanada parental #caserne #anno1897 @innogames jai vu #lesopticiensmutualistes ma fotonovela #stephenking que javais POST #pinterest #postit sur mon #bookstagram #boucherville facebook stephanemontfort #laval
JAILU (montfort robert #uwplatteville #anno1897 carrie stephenking 
(DE PL FR12 #march2014 @innogames foes of the righteous)

10:41 24/11/2020 mardi #emmastone 24 (carré #HP facebook stephanemontfort #laval #stevelegal 


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